The video does have a couple of bad words being yelled from the mob but it just shows what we as believers are facing, NOW in our country.
This video is taken, November 14, 2008, as a group of 13 Christians who had been in the Castro District. The Castro dist is largely populated by the homosexual community. As these young people were playing the guitar and singing and praying. They were not "preaching" they were just loving Jesus. A crowd started to lash out against them. The mob surrounded the Christians and began to throw hot coffee in the face of some girls, one girl had her Bible taken from her and when she asked for it back, the guy hit her in the face with the Bible then knocked her down and began to kick her.
This group of Christians did NOT retaliate against them, but continued to tell them Jesus loves them and they love them. They continued to sing praise. The crowd grew to about 500 people lashing out. They were threatening to kill these Christians. Again this is happening in SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA IN THE USA...NOT ANOTHER COUNTRY!!
My encouragement is that they didnt fight back with anger. Jesus would not want us to lash out back at them. That is part of the reason most of these homosexuals are so mad at that group of Christians is because for the longest time, we as Christians have been judgmental towards them. I know I have, but thats NOT how the Lord wants us to respond. HE wants us to love them....HE loves them. We need to show them God loves them and has a plan for them. HE doesnt care about their past, HE cares about their future.
We have all heard "Love the sinner, hate the sin" Well now is a time we as believers must ALL live that. We can no longer be judgmental towards any sinful lifestyle. We must love them, genuinely love them!!
Our flesh wants to fight back, and lash out back at them. But we have to die to the flesh and let the Holy Spirit prevail. I am NOT saying we support the homosexual lifestyle, because it is DIRECTLY against Gods word and HIS will for marriage. We must show them Christ love, because until they know Jesus truly loves them, they will not turn from the sinful lifestyle. remember we are all sinners and sin is sin.
There is an old song by Steve Camp and my favorite line in the song says:
Its easy for us as believers to just tell them "Jesus loves you" whats hard and the second part of that is to also tell them we love them.
So, lets all, as Christians, commit today to love the sinner hate the sin and truly spread the love of Jesus to everyone we come in contact with. So lets show them Jesus loves them AND SO DO WE!!!