On June 15, I had to put Milo, one of my dogs, the Weimariner/Catahoula mix, down. My dad had called me the night before to tell me Milo had been very sick and "Just wasnt himself"
He had been vomitting and had diarrhea all night. That Saturday morning we took him into the vet. The doctor said Milo was really sick, he had lost 12 lbs in about a week. As tears filled my eyes I thought about Milo's quality of life and it was not good.
In addition to this sickness, his aggression had got better. We just didnt know if he would have another spell and bite again.
That being said I decided it would be better for HIM to be put him down. The fear of him biting, caused mom and dad to not be able to have he grandkids over.
Yall, hardest thing I've done in a long time.... if not ever!!!
Milo looked at me as if to say "its ok daddy, Im sick, Im going to a better place" When the nurse came in to have me sign the paper, I could barely see, I was crying so hard. Then she when the tech came to get him to take him to the back, I lost it!! I kissed him on his head and he walked out with the vet tech.
Dad and I sat there and cried for about thirty minuites.
It was hard for him, eventhough Milo had bit him twice, dad greew VERY close to Milo, I think it was harder for dad than me. I had made my peace with it the other time I almost put him down. I was still tore up, but i knew it was best for him.
I miss him VERY much. Watching the fireworks tonight in Lewisville with a group of friends, it brought back memories of July 4, 2006. I had just got Milo, June 29, 2006 and took him to a friends July 4th party, he was so little, he was the LIFE of the party.
That all sparked me writing this tonight as I sit here in Dallas...well actually Lewisville, with friends, Im quietly sitting here fighting tears...hiding them with laughter about conversations. Truth is, I miss him bad and it makes me sad. I love him and know he's better off, its dad and I who are hurting. The fireworks tonight just brought back memories which caused me to be quiet and anyone who knows me knows I am RARELY quiet!!
RIP good buddy Milo, daddy and Pops love and miss you!!